Traditional treatment of toenail fungus

Well-groomed toenails

Today we will talk about the treatment and prevention of nail fungus, so that you know how to get rid of it and prevent the recurrence of this disease.

Statistics show that nail fungus occurs in almost every tenth person in the world. This means that this infection is very common and extremely insidious. The disease is extremely unpleasant for the eyes, because the places infected with the fungus look quite disgusting.

If you think that this disease will never bother you, do not promise - it is easy to catch a fungal infection in any public place: the beach, bath, sauna, pool, gym and other crowded places.

Signs and symptoms of nail fungus

Signs and symptoms of nail fungus

In fact, few people know that fungal infections come in thousands of varieties. But many of them do not cause pain and are not visible visually.

Due to these features, the person suffering from the fungus may not even know about it in the initial stage of the disease. But several types of fungus can cause pain around and under the nail.


Since the painful symptoms of the fungus are very rare, doctors are consulted only in the last, advanced stages of the disease, when there is a change in the color of the nail, its deformation and the tearing of the upper plate. At the last stage, treatment is difficult, so prevention of the disease must be observed. This will prevent infection.

For the prevention and timely treatment of nail fungus, it is important to know that there are three stages of the development of a fungal infection that affects the nail plate:

stage of onychomycosis

The first stage of the onset of the disease is the absence of clearly visible symptoms on the nails;


Diagnosis of nail fungus (onychomycosis) in the early stages is possible only in a hospital, in laboratory conditions. That is why, if you notice the slightest change in the nail plate, consult a doctor immediately!

The second stage of onychomycosis is a change in the color of the nail plate, loss of shine, deformation of its lateral and upper parts:

The third advanced stage of the fungus is the strong decay and breakage of the nail, which can lead to its complete loss.

In addition, the fungal infection affects the skin around the nail, which is accompanied by unpleasant itching, burning and pain.

Prevention of fungal nail disease

Every day, without knowing it, we are dealing with thousands of bacteria around us. But almost all of them are absolutely harmless to us, because the immune system is called upon as an invisible guardian angel to protect us from diseases.


Therefore, the first step in the prevention of nail fungus is a correct, balanced diet. If the body is saturated with minerals, vitamins and useful substances, the immune system will work only for you.

Movement is life! And this is true, because playing sports and an active lifestyle make us healthy, strong and resilient, both physically and mentally. Physical activity prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If the blood circulation is disturbed, the protective functions of the skin of the hands, feet and nails do not function properly, which causes their diseases.

Causes of fungal infection

Causes of toenail fungus

Warm, damp rooms are a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, you should ensure cleanliness in your home, especially in the bathroom and toilet.

This is important!

When visiting public places: water park, bath, swimming pool, sauna, you must dress and wear shoes. Then wash well and take a shower.

In order not to create a favorable environment for the emergence and reproduction of fungi "under the nose", wear comfortable, preferably natural shoes, socks, stockings, slippers, tights, etc. and wounds. This leads to the emergence of an alkaline microclimate - an ideal place for the reproduction of fungi.


You need to be attentive and careful when visiting beauty salons. Visit only trusted and recommended places because we are talking about keeping your health. Pedicure, manicure and nail extensions by a professional are absolutely safe and easy. Wounds, wounds, poorly performed procedures are the gateway to infections.

It is important to know that you cannot wear other people's shoes, as this will harm your health. We strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.

This is important to know!

Fungus should be treated in a timely and thorough manner. The disease does not go away by itself, and time only contributes to the spread of the infection, because complications can occur: it can spread from the legs to the stomach, groin area, chest skin. Arms.

If someone in your family has athlete's foot, there is a chance that healthy family members will become infected. Observe personal hygiene more than usual, do not wear other people's shoes, towels, brushes, combs, etc. Sh.

Traditional treatment of toenail fungus

It is very important not to start an infection, you should definitely contact a specialist for qualified medical help.


Along with pharmaceutical drugs, you can use traditional methods of treating toenail fungus, which are quite effective and will help you get rid of this unpleasant disease.

Vinegar compress for nail fungus

Vinegar compress for nail fungus


  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons;
  • Apple cider vinegar - two tablespoons.

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix vinegar and oil in a 1: 1 ratio, then wet a cotton pad with the resulting solution and apply it to the nail affected by the fungus. We fasten it from above with adhesive plaster or bandage.
  2. Leave the compress overnight and remove it in the morning. To treat the fungus, we use a vinegar compress until the damaged nail completely replaces the diseased plate with a healthy one.

Antifungal oil

Oil against nail fungus

This aromatic natural oil helps fight fungal infections on the feet and nails, soothes irritated skin and relieves tired feet.


  • EF. clove oil - 5 drops;
  • EF. cinnamon bark oil - 5 drops;
  • EF. oil - thyme (thyme) - 20 drops;
  • EF. sage oil - 10 drops;
  • EF. lavender oil - 30 drops;
  • tea tree essential oil - 25 drops;
  • Jojoba oil - 100 milliliters.


  1. Pour the jojoba oils into a dark bottle, add the essential oils and mix vigorously for three minutes.
  2. Place the bottle in a dark place at normal room temperature and let it sit for a day for the healing oil to mature.

After this time, the aromatic antifungal oil is ready.

How can I use it:

Wash your feet well and dry them. Shake the oil well in the bottle and apply a few drops to both feet. Even if the fungus has damaged one leg, then for preventive purposes, we use the remedy on the other leg as well.

Apply the oil on the nails and between the toes, massage the skin a little and wait until the oil is absorbed. Then we put cotton socks on our feet.

Use the medicated oil two to three times a day, it can also be applied to acne and wounds. The oil can be stored in a cool place for up to two years.

Tea mushroom

Kombucha against onychomycosis

This is a simple and very good way to treat fungus.

This is useful!

Before going to bed, it is recommended to make compresses from a strong infusion of kombucha, and the longer the mushrooms are kept, the better.

For the procedure: feet should be warmed in warm water and a kombucha compress should be applied and secured with a bandage. Leave it overnight and remove it in the morning. The course of treatment is four weeks.

Another treatment option: take a small piece of kombucha, remove the film from it and grind the grated part into a paste. Rub the resulting mass on the affected areas three times a day. It is important to take a new piece of mushroom for each procedure.

Bathrooms with celandine decor

Baths with celandine decoction help very well.

  1. The ratio of herb and water is 2: 3. Add required amount of celandine and water and boil for 3 minutes.
  2. Strain the broth and warm your feet for half an hour.
  3. Prepare lotions from the same decoction on the affected areas.

Baking soda

Baths with soda against fungus

Using baking soda is effective.

  1. Therapeutic procedures: apply soda lotions and warm your feet in a soda solution.
  2. Soda solution recipe: three liters of hot water, one tablespoon of soda. Mix the soda well until it is completely dissolved.
  3. You should warm your feet well in a soda solution, then wipe them with a clean towel and spread them with celandine oil, which is sold in a pharmacy.

You can moisten a cotton pad with celandine oil after a soda bath, place it between your toes and secure it with a diaper. We pour a sock on top. We keep this dressing for 20 minutes.

Procedures should be carried out twice a day for a month.

Mushroom ointment - recipe No. 1

Preparation: wash chicken eggs and pour vinegar. Store in a dark place until the shell is completely dissolved. Discard the film, mix the vinegar with the remaining egg and mix this mass with butter.

Application: the resulting ointment should be applied to the areas affected by the fungus in the morning and evening. Do this until complete recovery, after which you can use the ointment for preventive purposes.

Mushroom ointment - recipe No. 2

Egg ointment against fungus


  • one raw chicken egg;
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • One tablespoon of vinegar 70% essence.


Mix all the ingredients well and the healing ointment is ready. We keep it in the refrigerator and use it as needed.


  1. We steam our feet, dry them and apply ointment to the areas affected by the fungal infection.
  2. You should put a plastic bag on top and fix it with a bandage or wear socks.
  3. Do the procedure at night and wait until morning.

The course of treatment is 30 days.

Mushroom ointment - recipe No. 3

Ointment with vinegar against fungus

Another folk method of treating toenail fungus is using an easy-to-prepare and very effective ointment based on vinegar essence.


  • Raw chicken eggs (preferably from domestic chickens) - 2 pieces;
  • essence of vinegar 70% - 1 cup;
  • Butter - 200 grams.

Preparation of ointment:

  1. Wash the eggs, put them in a half-liter jar and fill with vinegar essence so that it covers the contents of the jar.
  2. Place the jar in a dark place for 10 days, during which time the eggshells will completely open in the essence.
  3. We remove the eggs from the jar with a fork, remove the foil, place them in a bowl and add the softened butter (take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance).
  4. Mash the eggs with a fork and mix with the butter. We should get a homogeneous mass similar to sour cream. Add three tablespoons of the acetic acid from the jar that contained the eggs to the mixture and mix again.

Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator.


  1. Wash your feet and dry them, rub the affected areas with ointment and leave for five minutes. The ointment is quickly absorbed, then put on clean socks and go to sleep.
  2. Use every night for a month. Then, when you feel that the disease has passed, you should smear once a week.

As a result of the treatment, feet and nails will become clean and healthy, itching and diaper rash will disappear, and the skin will become smooth and healthy.

Antifungal baths

Medicinal baths against fungus

Such therapeutic baths can be done daily by adding a weak solution of vinegar, potassium permanganate, soda solution and a solution of essential oils.


Prevention of fungal nail infection should be carried out regularly to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Eucalyptus and Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe juice, eucalyptus oil, or eucalyptus tincture also work well to treat toenail fungus. Their use is quite simple: you need to lubricate the affected areas three times a day until recovery.

Essential oils for foot fungus

Traditional methods of treating toenail fungus with essential oils have proven themselves quite well in practice, as they have good antifungal properties.

Oils to be used: tea tree, lemon, fir, sandalwood, patchouli.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy.

Tea tree oil

Anti-fungal tea tree oil

Let's consider the main points of use of essential oils of tea tree as an example. This recipe can be used with other oils.

Baths - Method No. 1

  1. 20 drops of oil and one teaspoon of shower gel should be diluted in one liter of hot water.
  2. Take a bath for 20 minutes until the water cools down. The procedure should be performed every day until complete recovery.

At the end of the treatment, preventive baths with tea tree oil (or other oil) once a week are recommended.

Baking oil - Method No. 2

Rub the essential oils into the nail plates affected by the fungal infection using a cotton ball.

To carry out the procedure, you need to wash your feet well with laundry soap and dry them. Then rub the oil on the affected areas and leave it to absorb. It is not necessary to wash the feet after the massage for the oil to have a healing effect.


Lemon essential oil is also good for the described procedures, it helps against infections and does not stain the nails, keeping their natural appearance.

The duration of treatment is three or even four months, it all depends on the patient's immunity and the stage of the fungus.

Alcohol tincture of propolis

At the pharmacy, buy a 20% tincture of propolis in alcohol, which you apply to painful nails with a cotton swab. Do this procedure daily.

Soon you will see the result: the diseased nail will disappear and a new one will grow.

Sea salt

Sea salt for treating fungus

Take sea salt baths daily for a week. Massage your feet with fresh celandine juice three times a day for 3 months.

Fungus treatment with iodine

Every day for 3 weeks, in the morning and in the evening, apply a drop of iodine to painful nails. Be sure to treat the neighboring nails as well (outwardly healthy).

About a week or a little earlier, a slight burning sensation and pain around the nail may appear - a sign of successful treatment. In case of severe pain, iodine should be used less often.

Table salt with mint

The healing properties of common salt can help treat nail fungus.

For preparation:

  1. Mix finely chopped mint with salt in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. The resulting pulp should be placed on the affected nail plates and between the fingers.

Repeat until the infection is completely cured.

Pharmacy ointments and preparations

Treatment of fungus with pharmaceutical ointments

For the treatment and prevention of nail fungus, along with folk remedies, it is good to use effective pharmaceutical drugs, which will allow you to quickly cure the disease and prevent its recurrence.

Salicylic ointment

This pharmaceutical preparation is often used to treat various skin diseases: lichen, acne, diaper rash. This ointment also helps with fungal infections. Contains 25% salicylic acid.

How to use: Apply to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

Zinc ointment

Another cheap "folk" drug sold in pharmacies. Ointment contains zinc oxide and petroleum jelly.

Zinc ointment has no contraindications, it can be used by women and nursing mothers, as well as children. This medicine should be applied to the affected area 5 times a day. However, if the quality of the mushroom is not very heavy, the number of applications can be reduced.

Sulfur ointment

This preparation contains 10 to 33% sulfur and is a good remedy for foot and nail fungus. It is better to take a 10% solution for treatment. The medicine should be used 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is one week.

Can be used to treat skin diseases in young children.


Consult your doctor before using traditional methods or other medications to treat toenail fungus.

Treating and preventing nail fungus takes time and a lot of effort, and don't expect a quick recovery.

Important to know!

Nail fungus is unusually resistant and very quickly develops immunity to the substances contained in antifungal drugs. Therefore, if you become infected again or if you have not been treated recently, the medicine used before will be useless. You need to buy a drug with a completely different principle of action.

It is recommended to consult a doctor in time for diagnosis, do not allow the disease to progress, start treatment on time, finish it, in this case you will forget about such an unpleasant disease as nail fungus.

Be healthy!